We’ve arrived in Sayulita, yet again, this time for a quick week of R&R. We’re staying at a wonderful little casita atop a hill (Carricitas), surrounded by jungle and with a stunning view of the ocean. It’s so nice to be removed from the dusty, dirty chaos of the town. Days before our arrival, we learned that a sewer main broke, spilling into the bay and essentially contaminating the whole town with fecal coliform. We’re already used to there being a risk of getting sick in Sayulita, but this time there was no avoiding it. Norovirus was spreading like wildfire. I caught it the second or third day of our stay and spent 24 hours puking and feeling quite terrible. Not much appetite recovery in the remaining days of our trip, but otherwise the rest was fine, until the day after our return home when Jess came down with it. Ugh.

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