
Blizzard of the Decade · Jan 27, 01:31 PM

I’m sitting here, drying off after running around at the dog park through two feet of snow!! It started snowing yesterday afternoon and hasn’t let up yet. I can’t believe how much snow there is here! We went downtown this morning to have brunch with Jorg, and when we got there, it was beautiful, sunny, blue skies. And we thought that perhaps the blizzard had passed. But we headed home, and about 10 minutes east of Vancouver, it was that same blizzard! The highway was a mess, people couldn’t get up the exit ramps, and it took us almost an hour to get home! I am thankful on days like these that we spent the big bucks and got awesome tires. As soon as we got home, we took Brimley to the dog park for a romp (we drove this time), and there were tons of people stranded. No snow plows on our residential streets (really, no snow plows anywhere yet). So at the dog park (which is at the bottom of a hill), we put on the spanky new chains we purchased before the drive home at Christmas (and didn’t use), and we got home with no problems. And Colin’s been busy trying to help people get unstuck ever since. What a good little samaritan!

Well, I haven’t written in a while, although I have been diligently updating my daily photo site. It’s a fun thing to do, now that I’m in the habit of it. And it will be really neat to go back at the end of the year and have a visual representation of everyday life, and the little events that happen that don’t otherwise get noted.

And other than that, not much is really new. This semester isn’t horrible, although I don’t like my Thursday and Friday classes. But we’re already into week four! So at least it’s not dragging on too much. And once the semester ends, Andrea and Annette will be visiting (mid-April), so I’m reallllllly excited about that. Should be a great weekend. It also sounds like my sister and Shawn will be moving out to Vancouver Island sooner than originally anticipated — perhaps March or April! I can’t even express how wonderful it will be to have my sister living that much closer.

Well, time to go have a snooze on the couch with Brimley. Toodles!

  1. Go little Focus, pulling all of the poor west coasters our of the snow! It looks beautiful out there. We didn’t get any snow at all today…crazy.

        Lara    Jan 27, 07:28 PM   
  2. I can’t believe all the snow! We’re still in Nanaimo and got a bit of snow here today. We found a house we really like…

        Julie    Jan 27, 08:55 PM   

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